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Please be aware that this old REACH registration data factsheet is no longer maintained; it remains frozen as of 19th May 2023.

The new ECHA CHEM database has been released by ECHA, and it now contains all REACH registration data. There are more details on the transition of ECHA's published data to ECHA CHEM here.

Diss Factsheets

Administrative data

First-aid measures


1.1. The actual level of detail of information and its phrasing in individual SDSs may reflect local or national conventions or requirements, or company policies, but without infringing on the consistency with the information submitted hereunder. Also, more stringent national or local legal requirements or conventions will take precedence over the guidance provided in this document

2. Warning before intervention

2.1. Hydrogen sulphide (H2S) can accumulate in the headspace of product storage tanks and reach potentially hazardous concentrations.

3. Inhalation

3.1. Symptoms: irritation of the respiratory tract due to excess fume, mists or vapour exposure

3.2. If breathing is difficult, remove victim to fresh air and keep at rest in a position comfortable for breathing.

3.3. If injured person is unconscious and:

  • * Not breathing – ensure that there is no obstruction to breathing and give artificial respiration by trained personnel.  If necessary, give external cardiac massage and obtain medical assistance.
  • * Breathing – place in the recovery position. Administer oxygen if necessary.

3.4. Obtain medical assistance if breathing remains difficult.

3.5. If there is any suspicion of inhalation of H2S:

  • - Rescuers must wear breathing apparatus, belt and safety rope, and follow rescue procedures.
  • - Remove casualty to fresh air as quickly as possible.
  • - Immediately begin artificial respiration if breathing has ceased.
  • - Provision of oxygen may help.
  • - Obtain medical advice for further treatment.

4. Skin Contact

4.1. Symptoms: dry skin, irritation in case of repeated or prolonged exposure. May cause burn in case of contact with product at high temperature

4.2.  Remove contaminated clothing and footwear and dispose of safely.

4.3. Wash affected area with soap and water.

4.4. Never use gasoline, kerosene or other solvents for washing of contaminated skin.

4.5.  Seek medical attention if skin irritation, swelling or redness occurs.

4.6. When using high-pressure equipment, injection of product can occur. If high-pressure injuries occur, immediately seek professional medical attention. Do not wait for symptoms to develop

4.7.  For minor thermal burns: Cool the burn. Hold the burned area under cold running water for at least five minutes, or until the pain subsides. However, body hypothermia must be avoided.

4.8. Do not put ice on the burn; Remove non-sticking garments carefully.  DO NOT attempt to remove portions of clothing glued to burnt skin but cut round them.

4.9. Seek medical attention in all cases of serious burns

5. Eye Contact

5.1. Symptoms: slight irritation (unspecific) . May cause burn in case of contact with product at high temperature

5.2. Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes.  Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do so.  Continue rinsing.

5.3.  If irritation, blurred vision or swelling occurs and persists, obtain medical advice from a specialist.

5.4. If hot product is splashed into the eye, it should be cooled immediately to dissipate heat, under cold running water.  Immediately obtain specialist medical assessment and treatment for the casualty.

6. Ingestion / Aspiration

6.1. Symptoms: Few or no symptoms are expected.  If any, nausea and diarrhea might occur.

6.2. Do not induce vomiting. Ask for medical assistance

6.3.  Do not give anything by mouth to an unconscious person.

Fire-fighting measures

1. Product specific hazards and other issues

1.1. This substance will float and can be reignited on surface water.

2. Extinguishing Media

  • - Foam (Specifically trained personnel only)
  • - Water fog (Specifically trained personnel only)
  • - Dry chemical powder
  • - Carbon dioxide
  • - Other inert gases (subject to regulations)
  • - Sand or earth

2.1 Move container from fire area if it can be done without risk. Cool containers with water spray until well after the fire is out. Do not use water jets. Directly spraying water or foam onto hot burning

product may cause frothing. Avoid inhalation of material or combustion by-products. Stay upwind and keep out of low areas. Treat contaminated water prior to discharge.

3. Unsuitable Extinguishing Media

3.1. Do not use direct water jets on the burning product; they could cause splattering and spread the fire.

3.2. Simultaneous use of foam and water on the same surface is to be avoided as water destroys the foam.

4. Combustion Products

4.1. Incomplete combustion is likely to give rise to a complex mixture of airborne solid and liquid particulates and gases, including carbon monoxide, H2S, SOx (sulfur oxides) or sulfuric acid and unidentified organic and inorganic compounds. These products may be flammable and explosive.

5. Protective Equipment for Firefighters

5.1. In case of a large fire or in confined or poorly ventilated spaces wear full fire resistant protective clothing and self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) with a full face-piece operated in positive pressure mode.

Accidental release measures

1. General information

1.1. Stop or contain leak at the source if safe to do so.  Avoid direct contact with released material.  Stay upwind. In case of large spillages, alert occupants in downwind areas.

1.2. Keep non-involved personnel away from the area of spillage. Alert emergency personnel. Except in case of small spillages, the feasibility of any actions should always be assessed and advised, if possible, by a trained, competent person in charge of managing the emergency.

1.3. It is recommended to eliminate all ignition sources if safe to do so (e.g. electricity, sparks, fires, flares).

1.4. When the presence of dangerous amounts of H2S around the spilled product is suspected or proved, additional or special actions may be warranted, including access restrictions, use of special protection equipment, procedures and personnel training.

1.5. If required, notify relevant authorities according to all applicable regulations.

2. Personal protection equipment for emergency responders

2.1. Small spillages: normal antistatic working clothes are usually adequate. Large spillages: full body suit of chemically resistant and antistatic material, if necessary heat resistant and insulated.

2.2. Work gloves providing adequate chemical resistance, specifically to aromatic hydrocarbons. Note: gloves made of PVA are not water-resistant, and are not suitable for emergency use. If contact with hot product is possible or anticipated, gloves should be heat-resistant and thermally insulated.

2.3. Work helmet. Antistatic non-skid safety shoes or boots, if necessary heat-resistant.

2.4. Goggles or face shield, if splashes or contact with eyes is possible or anticipated.

2.5. Respiratory protection: A half or full-face respirator with filter(s) for organic vapours/H2S or a Self Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA) can be used according to the extent of spill and predictable amount of exposure. If the situation cannot be completely assessed, or if an oxygen deficiency is possible, only SCBA’s should be used.

3. Spillages onto land

3.1. Prevent product from entering sewers, rivers, waterways or other bodies of water.

3.2. If necessary dike the product with dry earth, sand or similar non-combustible materials.

3.3. Let hot product cool down naturally

3.4. Large spillages may be cautiously covered with foam, if available, to limit fire risk. Do not use direct jets

3.5. When inside buildings or confined spaces ensure adequate ventilation.

3.6. Absorb spilled product with suitable non-combustible materials.

3.7. Collect free product with suitable means. Collect recovered product and other contaminated materials in suitable containers for recycle, recovery or safe disposal.

3.8. In case of soil contamination, remove contaminated soil for remediation or disposal, in accordance with local regulations.

4. Spillages in water or at sea

4.1.  Product less dense than water: In case of small spillages in closed waters (i.e. ports), contain product with floating barriers or other equipment.  Collect spilled product by absorbing with specific floating absorbents

4.2. If possible, large spillages in open waters should be contained with floating barriers or other mechanical means. If this is not possible, control the spreading of the spillage, and collect the product by skimming or other suitable mechanical means.

4.3. The use of dispersants should be advised by an expert, and, if required, approved by local authorities.

4.4. Collect recovered product and other contaminated materials in suitable tanks or containers for recycle, recovery or safe disposal.

4.5. Product which is denser than water will sink to the bottom, and usually no intervention will be feasible. If possible, collect the product and contaminated materials with mechanical means, and store/dispose of according to relevant regulations. In special situations (to be assessed on case-by case basis, according to expert judgement and local conditions), excavations of trenches on the bottom to collect the product, or burying the product with sand may be a feasible option.

5. Additional information

5.1. Note: recommended measures are based on the most likely spillage scenarios for this material; however, local conditions (wind, air temperature, wave/current direction and speed) may significantly influence the choice of appropriate actions. For this reason, local experts should be consulted when necessary. Local regulations may also prescribe or limit actions to be taken.

5.2. Concentration of H2S in tank headspaces may reach hazardous values, especially in case of prolonged storage. This situation is especially relevant for those operations which involve direct exposure to the vapours in the tank.

5.3. Spillages of limited amounts of products, especially in the open air when vapours will be usually quickly dispersed, are dynamic situations, which are unlikely to entail exposure to dangerous concentrations.  As H2S has a density greater than ambient air, a possible exception may regard the build-up of dangerous concentrations in specific spots, like trenches, depressions or confined spaces.  In all these circumstances, however, the correct actions should be assessed on a case-by-case basis.

Handling and storage

1. General Information

1.1. Obtain special instructions before use

1.2. Ensure that all relevant regulations regarding handling and storage facilities of flammable products are followed.

1.3. A specific assessment of inhalation risks from the presence of H2S in tank headspaces, confined spaces, product residue, tank waste and waste water, and unintentional releases must be made to help determine controls appropriate to local circumstances.

1.4. It is recommended to keep away from sparks/open flames/hot surfaces. – No smoking.

1.5. Use and store only outdoors or in a well-ventilated area.

1.6. Avoid contact with the product.

1.7. Avoid release to the environment.

2. Handling

2.1. Take precautionary measures against static electricity.

2.2. Ground/bond containers, tanks and transfer/receiving equipment.

2.3. The vapour is heavier than air. Beware of accumulation in pits and confined spaces.

2.4. Do not breathe fume/ mist/ vapours

2.5. Avoid contact with skin. Precautions should be taken to avoid skin burns when handling hot product.

2.6. Use adequate personal protective equipment as required.

3. Storage

3.1. Storage area layout, tank design, equipment and operating procedures must comply with the relevant European, national or local legislation.

3.2. Storage installations should be designed with adequate bunds so as to prevent ground and water pollution in case of leaks or spills.

3.3. Cleaning, inspection and maintenance of internal structure of storage tanks must be done only by properly equipped and qualified personnel as defined by national, local or company regulations.

3.4. Before entering storage tanks and commencing any operation in a confined area, check the atmosphere for oxygen content, hydrogen sulphide (H2S) and flammability.

3.5. Store separately from oxidising agents.

4. Recommended and Unsuitable Materials for Storage

4.1. Recommended materials: For containers, or container linings use mild steel, stainless steel.

4.2. Unsuitable materials: some synthetic materials may be unsuitable for containers or container linings depending on the material specification and intended use. Compatibility should be checked with the manufacturer

5. Container Advice

If the product is supplied in containers:

5.1. Keep only in the original container or in a suitable container for this kind of product.

5.2. Store in a well-ventilated place.

5.3. Keep containers tightly closed and properly labelled.

5.4. Empty containers may contain combustible product residues. Do not weld, solder, drill, cut or incinerate empty containers, unless they have been properly cleaned.

6. Hygiene measures

6.1. Ensure that proper housekeeping measures are in place.

6.2. Contaminated materials should not be allowed to accumulate in the workplaces and should never be kept inside the pockets.

6.3. Keep away from food and beverages.

6.4. Do not eat, drink or smoke while using this product.

6.5. Wash the hands thoroughly after handling.

6.6. Change contaminated clothes at the end of working shift.

Transport information

Land transport (UN RTDG/ADR/RID)

UN number:
UN 3295
Shipping information
Proper shipping name and description:
Chemical name:
Tires, wastes, pyrolyzed, light oil-fraction
Class or division:
Class 3: Flammable liquids
Packing group:
Packing group II: Substances presenting medium danger
3 Flammable liquids.
Special provisions / remarks
Special provisions:
Limited quantity (LQ): 1 L
Excepted Quantities (EQ): E2
Hazard identification number (Kemler No.): 33
Classification code: F1
Tunnel restriction code: (D/E)
Shippingopen allclose all
Remarksopen allclose all

Marine transport (UN RTDG/IMDG)

UN number:
UN 3295
Shipping information
Proper shipping name and description:
Chemical name:
Distillate (pyrolysis oil from waste tires), light fraction
Class or division:
Class 3: Flammable liquids
Packing group:
Packing group II: Substances presenting medium danger
EmS code:
3 Flammable liquids.
Special provisions / remarks
Special provisions:
Limited quantity (LQ): 1 L
Excepted Quantities (EQ): E2

Air transport (UN RTDG/ICAO/IATA)

UN number:
The substance is forbidden on cargo aircraft. The substance is forbidden on passenger and cargo aircraft.
Shipping information
Proper shipping name and description:
The substance is forbidden on cargo aircraft. The substance is forbidden on passenger and cargo aircraft.
Chemical name:
Distillate (pyrolysis oil from waste tires), light fraction. The substance is forbidden on cargo aircraft.
3 Flammable liquids. The substance is forbidden on cargo aircraft. The substance is forbidden on passenger and cargo aircraft.
Special provisions / remarks
SpecialProvisionsopen allclose all

Exposure controls / personal protection


Occupational exposure limit values

Limit value type (country of origin)

Substance name

      Long-term occupational exposure limit value

      Short-term occupational exposure limit value

      Instantaneous value

      Monitoring and observation processes


TRGS 900 (DE)


CAS No.:108-88-3

EC No.:203-625-9

      50 ppm (190 mg/m³)

      100 ppm (380 mg/m³)

(may be absorbed through the skin)



CAS No.:108-88-3

EC No.:203-625-9

      50 ppm (192 mg/m³)

      100 ppm (384 mg/m³)

(may be absorbed through the skin)



CAS No.:71-43-2

EC No.:200-753-7

1 ppm (3.25 mg/m³)

(may be absorbed through the skin)

TRGS 910 (DE)


CAS No.:71-43-2

EC No.:200-753-7

0.06 ppm (0.2 mg/m³)

(Acceptable concentration (4E-5); may be absorbed through the skin)

TRGS 910 (DE)


CAS No.:71-43-2

EC No.:200-753-7

      0.6 ppm (1.9 mg/m³)

      4.8 ppm (15.2 mg/m³)

(Tolerable concentration (4E-3); kann über die Haut aufgenommen werden)



CAS No.:1330-20-7

EC No.:215-535-7

      50 ppm (221 mg/m³)

      100 ppm (442 mg/m³)

(may be absorbed through the skin)

TRGS 900 (DE)


CAS No.:1330-20-7

EC No.:215-535-7

      50 ppm (220 mg/m³)

      100 ppm (440 mg/m³)

(may be absorbed through the skin)

TRGS 900 (DE)


CAS No.:100-42-5

EC No.:202-851-5

      20 ppm (86 mg/m³)

      40 ppm (172 mg/m³)

TRGS 900 (DE)

ethylbenzeneCAS No.:100-41-4

EC No.:202-849-4

      20 ppm (88 mg/m³)

      40 ppm (176 mg/m³)

(may be absorbed through the skin)


ethylbenzeneCAS No.:100-41-4

EC No.:202-849-4

      100 ppm (442 mg/m³)

      200 ppm (884 mg/m³)

(may be absorbed through the skin)



8.1.2. Biological limit values

Limit value type (country of origin)

Substance name

Limit value


      Test material

      Time of sampling:


TRGS 903 (DE)


CAS No.:108-88-3

EC No.:203-625-9

1.5 mg/L



      in case of long-term exposure,

End of exposure or end of shift

TRGS 903 (DE)


CAS No.:108-88-3

EC No.:203-625-9

0.6 mg/L



      end of exposure or end of shift

TRGS 903 (DE)


CAS No.:108-88-3

EC No.:203-625-9

75 µg/L



      End of exposure or end of shift



CAS No.:71-43-2

EC No.:200-753-7

28 µg/L



      end of exposure or end of shift

TRGS 910 (DE)


CAS No.:71-43-2

EC No.:200-753-7

5 µg/L



      End of exposure or end of shift

      Equivalence value for tolerance concentration

TRGS 910 (DE)


CAS No.:71-43-2

EC No.:200-753-7

0.8 µg/L



      End of exposure or end of shift

  Equivalence value for acceptable concentration

TRGS 910 (DE)


CAS No.:71-43-2

EC No.:200-753-7

25 µg/g


      S-Phenyl Mercapturic acid


      End of exposure or end of shift

      Equivalence value for tolerance concentration

TRGS 910 (DE)


CAS No.:71-43-2

EC No.:200-753-7

3 µg/g


      S-Phenyl Mercapturic acid


      End of exposure or end of shift

  Equivalence value for acceptable concentration

TRGS 910 (DE)


CAS No.:71-43-2

EC No.:200-753-7

500 µg/g Creatinine

      Trans, trans-Muconic acid


      End of exposure or end of shift

      Equivalence value for tolerance concentration

TRGS 903 (DE)


CAS No.:1330-20-7

EC No.:215-535-7

2,000 mg/L

  Methyl Hippuric acid all isomers)


      End of exposure or end of shift

TRGS 903 (DE)


CAS No.:100-42-5

EC No.:202-851-5

600 mg/g


      Mandelic acid + Phenyl glyoxylic acid


  In case of long term exposure, End of exposure or end of shift


Stability and reactivity

  1. Reactivity: This material is considered to be non-reactive under normal use conditions. Highly flammable liquid and vapour.
  2. Chemical stability: The product is chemically stable under recommended conditions of storage, use and temperature.
  3. Possibility of hazardous reactions: Vapours can form explosive mixtures with air.
  4. Conditions to avoid: Heat, Avoid high temperatures or direct sunlight. UV-radiation/sunlight. Keep away from heat, hot surfaces, sparks, open flames and other ignition sources. No smoking.
  5. Incompatible materials: Oxidising agent, strong
  6. Hazardous decomposition products: PAH = Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, Gases/vapours, toxic, Carbon monoxide , Sulphur dioxide (SO2), Nitrogen oxides (NOx)

Disposal considerations

Dispose in accordance with all applicable regulations. Carcinogenic waste products should be clearly labelled and stored securely until such time as they are removed by a competent specialist contractor, or are disposed of safely on site by incineration or in another way that does not accentuate the risk to other workers or outside environment. EWC-code: 050699 (waste from pyrolysis of coal, other non-specified waste).