Casos en los que la ECHA es la parte demandada o parte coadyuvante

Casos en los que la ECHA es la parte demandada o parte coadyuvante

Casos en los que la ECHA es la parte demandada o parte coadyuvante

En el siguiente cuadro se recogen todos los asuntos cerrados en los que la ECHA se ha constituido en parte. Las partes interesadas pueden consultar fácilmente las decisiones que les resulten relevantes en el ámbito de las actividades principales de la ECHA (REACH y CLP, entre otros). En algunos de los casos puede haber un recurso pendiente o una remisión, lo cual también se indica en el cuadro, a diferencia de los casos relacionados con contratación de personal o pública, que no figuran.

Los asuntos cerrados se han clasificado en ocho categorías:

  1. Lista de sustancias candidatas REACH: asuntos relacionados con la identificación de una sustancia como extremadamente preocupante;
  2. Registro con arreglo a REACH: casos relacionados con la obligación de presentación conjunta de datos;
  3. Autorización REACH: asuntos relacionados con la inclusión de una sustancia en la Lista de autorización (anexo XIV) y las solicitudes de autorización;
  4. Evaluación REACH: asuntos en los que la ECHA ha solicitado información a un solicitante de registro en virtud del procedimiento de evaluación (artículos 40, 41 o 46 de REACH);
  5. CLH: asuntos relacionados con la armonización de la clasificación de una sustancia;
  6. Biocidas: casos relacionados con biocidas;
  7. ATD: asuntos relacionados con las solicitudes de acceso a documentos;
  8. Tamaño de la empresa: asuntos relativos a la verificación del tamaño de la empresa y los cambios relacionados. 


Case number Parties Keywords Main Legal Provisions Procedurally linked cases Date of the ruling
T-673/13 European Coalition to End Animal Experiments v ECHA Action for annulment - REACH - Application for registration of the chemical substance triphenyl phosphate - Intervener before the Board of Appeal of ECHA - Applicant not affected directly - Concept of regulatory act - Inadmissibility Art. 263 TFEU;
Art. 114 of the Rules of Procedure 
T-125/17 R BASF Grenzach v ECHA Interim measures — REACH — Substance triclosan — Evaluation procedure — Decision of the Board of Appeal of the ECHA — Obligation to provide certain information requiring animal testing — Application for interim measures — No urgency Art 278 and 279 of TFEU; Art. 156 and 158 of the Rules of Procedure of the General Court    

Initial case:



Appeal for the interim measures:

C-565/17 P(R)

T755/17 Federal Republic of Germany v ECHA REACH — Evaluation of substances — Benpat — Persistence — ECHA decision requesting further information — Article 51(6) of Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 — Action brought before the Board of Appeal — Task of the Board of Appeal — Adversarial procedure — Nature of review — Intensity of review — Powers of the Board of Appeal — Article 93(3) of Regulation No 1907/2006 — Conferral of powers on EU agencies — Principle of conferral — Principle of subsidiarity — Proportionality — Obligation to state reasons Articles 51 (6) and 93 (3) of REACH 20/09/2019
T‑125/17 BASF GRENZACH v ECHA REACH — Evaluation of substances — Triclosan — ECHA decision requesting further information — Article 51(6) of Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 — Action brought before the Board of Appeal — Task of the Board of Appeal — Adversarial nature of the procedure — Scope of the review — Intensity of the review — Powers of the Board of Appeal — Article 93(3) of Regulation No 1907/2006 — First sentence of Article 47(1) of Regulation No 1907/2006 — Relevant information — Proportionality — Article 25 of Regulation No 1907/2006 — Annex XIII to Regulation No 1907/2006 — Data obtained under relevant circumstances — Persistence — Neurotoxicity — Reproductive toxicity — Article 12(1) of Regulation (EC) No 771/2008 — Delay in the submission of a scientific opinion Arts. 51(6), 93(3), 47(1), and 25 REACH, Annex III REACH, Art. 12 (1) Reg (EC) No 771/2008

Proceedings for interim measures:
125/17 R

Appeal for the interim measures:
C-565/17 P (R)

T‑176/19 R 3V Sigma SpA v ECHA Application for interim measures — REACH — UVASORB HEB — Evaluation procedure — Decision of the Board of Appeal of ECHA — Application for interim measures — No urgency Art 278 and 279 of TFEU

Initial case:


T-283/15 Esso Raffinage v ECHA REACH — Dossier evaluation — Compliance check of registrations — Check of information submitted and follow-up to dossier evaluation — Statement of non-compliance — Jurisdiction of the General Court — Actions for annulment — Challengeable act — Direct and individual concern — Admissibility — Legal basis — Articles 41, 42 and 126 of Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 Art 41 and 42 of REACH


C-471/18 P
C‑565/17 P(R) BASF Grenzach v ECHA Appeal — Order for interim measures — Decision of the Board of Appeal of the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) relating to the substance evaluation of triclosan — Suspension of operation — Urgency — Intervention — No direct, existing interest Art 278 and 279 of TFEU

Initial case:

Proceedings for interim measures:
C-565/17 P (R)

T-176/19 3V Sigma v ECHA REACH – Substance evaluation – UVASORB HEB – Decision of the ECHA requesting further information – Article 46(1) of Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 – Request seeking to identify potential transformation or degradation products of the substance – Proportionality – Need for the additional study requested – Relevant conditions and realistic conditions – Study temperature – Manifest error of assessment Art 46(1) of REACH

Proceedings for interim measures:
T-176/19 R



Plzeňská teplárenská v ECHA Action for annulment — Application lodged via e-Curia — Article 56a(4) of the Rules of Procedure — Failure to fulfil procedural requirements — Manifest inadmissibility

Article 40 of the REACH Regulation (No 1907/2006)
Article 56a(4) of the Rules of Procedure


C-471/18 P

Germany v Esso Raffinage Appeal – Registration, evaluation and authorisation of chemicals – Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 (REACH) – Articles 5 and 6 – General obligation to register substances – Articles 41 and 42 – Evaluation of registration dossiers and compliance check of information submitted by registrants – Declaration of non-compliance – Actionable measure – Interest in bringing proceedings – Locus standi – Respective competences of the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) and national authorities – Obligation on ECHA to check the compliance of additional information submitted by registrants at its request – ECHA’s power to take an appropriate decision – Article 1 – Objective of protecting human health and the environment – Articles 13 and 25 – Use of animal testing – Promotion of alternative methods

Articles 1, 5, 6, 13, 25, 41, and 42 of the REACH Regulation (No 1907/2006)

Appeal of the Case T-283/15


T-655/20 R

Symrise v ECHA Application for interim relief – REACH – Substance 2-ethylhexyl salicylate – Compliance check of registrations – Obligation to provide certain information requiring animal testing – Application for interim measures – No urgency

REACH Regulation (No 1907/2006)

Appeal C-281/21 P(R)


T-656/20 R

Symrise v ECHA Application for interim relief – REACH – Substance homosalate – Compliance check of registrations – Obligation to provide certain information requiring animal testing – Application for interim measures – No urgency

REACH Regulation (No 1907/2006)

Appeal C-282/21 P(R)



One Voice v ECHA Action for annulment – REACH – Substance homosalate – Exclusive use for the manufacture of cosmetic products – Compliance check of registrations – Article 41(1) of Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 – Time limit for bringing an action – Article 21(5) of Regulation (EC) No 771/2008 – Article 59 of the Rules of Procedure – Inadmissibility

Article 41(1) of the REACH Regulation (No 1907/2006),
Article 21(5) of the Regulation (EC) No 771/2008,
Article 59 of the Rules of Procedure

Action Against the BoA Decision in A-009-2018



One Voice v ECHA Action for annulment – REACH – Substance 2-ethylhexyl salicylate – Exclusive use for the manufacture of cosmetic products – Compliance check of registrations – Article 41(1) of Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 – Time limit for bringing an action – Article 21(5) of Regulation (EC) No 771/2008 – Article 59 of the Rules of Procedure – Inadmissibility

Article 41(1) of the REACH Regulation (No 1907/2006),
Article 21(5) of the Regulation (EC) No 771/2008,
Article 59 of the Rules of Procedure

Action Against the BoA Decision in A-010-2018


T-207/21 R

Polynt v ECHA Application for interim measures – REACH – Hexahydro-4-methylphthalic anhydride substance – Obligation to register – Evaluation of dossiers – Examination of testing proposals – Obligation to provide certain information requiring animal testing – Application for interim measures – No urgency

REACH Regulation (No 1907/2006),
Articles 278 and 279 TFEU

Action Against the BoA Decision in A-015-2019


C-282/21 P-R

Symrise v ECHA Appeal – Interim order – Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 – Registration, evaluation, authorisation and restriction of chemicals (REACH) – Substance homosalate – Substance used exclusively in the manufacture of cosmetic products – Decision of the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) requesting that the appellant submit additional toxicity studies and tests – Application for interim measures – No urgency – Dismissal

REACH Regulation (No 1907/2006)

Appeal of the Case T-656/20 R



France v ECHA REACH – Substance evaluation – Aluminium chloride – Aluminium chloride, basic – Aluminium sulphate – ECHA decisions requesting further information – Article 46(1) of Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 – Appeal brought before the Board of Appeal – Multiple grounds for the decision of the Board of Appeal – Grounds capable of justifying the decision – Inoperative nature of the pleas directed against the other grounds

Article 46(1) of the REACH Regulation (No 1907/2006)

Action Against the BoA Joined Decisions in A-003-2018, A-004-2018, and A-005-2018



Nouryon Industrial Chemicals and Others v Commission REACH – Evaluation of registration dossiers and compliance check of information provided by registrants – Request for further studies for the purposes of the registration dossier for dimethyl ether – Pre-natal developmental toxicity study – Extended one-generation reproductive toxicity study – Dose-range finding study – Article 51(7) of Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 – Animal testing – Article 25 of Regulation No 1907/2006 – Manifest error of assessment – Proportionality

Articles 13(3), 51(7), Annex IX, Annex X of the REACH Regulation (No 1907/2006)
