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Call for evidence on possible restriction of lead in shot, bullets and fishing tackle
ECHA invites interested parties to submit evidence and information on the use of lead in gunshot outside of wetlands, bullets in any terrain and in fishing tackle by 16 December 2019.
Helsinki, 3 October 2019 – ECHA has begun to investigate the need for restricting the use of lead in gunshot, bullets and fishing tackle. The intention to prepare a restriction proposal has now been added in the Registry of Intentions and is supported by a call for evidence and information.
The call is intended for companies, trade associations, hunting, fishing or sports shooting organisations, scientific bodies and any other stakeholders or Member States holding relevant information, including hunters and fishers and all others with an interest in this issue.
The focus of ECHA’s investigation is on the risks posed by lead to the environment and wildlife as well as risks to humans through consumption of game meat. The Agency is specifically looking for information on:
- the quantities of lead used or released to the environment and the resulting human health or environmental impacts;
- current best practice to minimise lead exposure to humans or the environment during use;
- alternatives to lead shot, bullets and lead in fishing tackle; and
- other socio-economic impacts on society with regard to a possible restriction, such as costs and/or benefits to any affected stakeholders.
The information received through the call for evidence will help the Agency prepare its restriction proposal.
To clarify the scope of ECHA’s investigation and to respond to any questions, an online information session will be held on 10 October 2019, from 11:00 to 12:30, Helsinki time. The session is open to all, but participants will have to register in advance.
The European Commission has requested ECHA to develop an Annex XV dossier for a possible restriction on the placing on the market and use of lead in ammunition in terrestrial environments, bullets in any terrain and in fishing tackle. The proposal aims to address concerns posed by lead gunshot, bullets and fishing tackle to the environment, reduce the mortality of an estimated one to two million birds, and reduce health risks to a significant population of hunters and their families who frequently eat game meat killed with lead shot or bullets.
ECHA has earlier proposed a restriction on the use of lead shots over wetlands. This proposal is currently with the Commission for decision making.
- Call for evidence - deadline 16 December 2019
- Register for information session on 10 October 2019
- Hot topics - lead in shot, bullets and fishing weights
- Registry of Intentions
- Commission request to ECHA [PDF] [EN]
- ECHA identifies risks to terrestrial environment from lead ammunition
(Press release, 12 September 2018)