New ECHA public data availability system - Part 1
Webinar date
19 April 2023 11:00 - 12:00 EEST GMT +3
Are you using ECHA’s chemicals database? If your answer is yes, this webinar is for you. In this first session, we cover our plans for the new data availability system which will gradually replace our current chemicals database. We will have further, more detailed sessions later in the year as the development advances.
We maintain the largest database on chemicals in the European Union. This database brings together chemicals data submitted by industry and information generated by the regulatory activities of ECHA and authorities. In 2022 the chemicals database received over 30 million views.
Due to an increasing amount and variety of data to be made available, we are building a new data availability system. The new solution will be rolled out in several steps during the next couple of years. We will start with REACH registration data at the end of this year, followed by the classification and labelling inventory and regulatory data.
The aim of this webinar is to let you know what to expect and to help you prepare for the changes.
Questions and answers
Watch the webinar
Timing |
Title |
Speaker |
11:00 |
Introduction |
Anni Fast, ECHA |
11:05 |
Re-building ECHA's chemicals database |
Anni Fast, ECHA |
11:10 |
New data availability system |
Roberta Di Blasi, ECHA |
11:20 |
Transition plan |
Gerson Martin, ECHA |
11:25 |
Conclusions |
Gerson Martin, ECHA |
11:30 – 12:00 |
Q&A open for questions |
ECHA panel |
- All slides in one [PDF] - ECHA