Praca w ECHA

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Work with us for the protection of human health and the environment

ECHA is an equal opportunity organization that welcomes applications from qualified professionals all over the European Union and the European Economic Area. We are committed to achieving diversity, as the diversity of ECHA's staff is essential to Agency's success"

Profile Deadline Vacancy notice  
Currently there are no open vacancies

Other work opportunities

ECHA may periodically require additional temporary staff who will be hired through our contract with temporary work agencies based in Finland. 

The temporary work agencies included in the framework contract are listed below, in cascade order. This means that ECHA will initially approach the foremost agency for interim staffing requirements. Should the primary agency be unable to fulfil the request, subsequent agencies will be engaged accordingly. Follow the vacancies announced on their websites and stay up to date on the available opportunities!  

The hired staff will work at ECHA but will be officially employed by the temporary work agency, not by ECHA itself. 

Cascade order for interim assignments